While Winter Solstice turns us back toward the light, we're asked to wait a little longer through cold and dark. Listen ~ 10 minutes Tuesday night we come to a turning. It is Solstice, when the longest night Shifts and we start to see the days grow longer again. This is a movement towards Spring. But not yet. It is officially when we move from Autumn to Winter. It seems almost strange that it is in the Winter that we grow towards the light because it will remain dark and cold. In many places colder than it has been up until now .... .... Winter is the time that we understand when many hibernate -- many animals many plants. This is the time of quieting .... They spent the summer and the autumn storing extra, preparing, harvesting, gathering the abundance. And then at the same time releasing that which was no longer of the moment, in order to just hold fast through this dark and cold time .... Even though we don't see it things are happening under the ground that only happen in Winter Even though we don't see it things are happening under the ground that only happen in Winter .... We know this because as we move towards the end of this season we will start to see green shoots, and buds. And although it will appear as if they're there all of a sudden, in fact already many plants are preparing for that time of opening. I noticed that some of the plants already have almost like a bud on them, closed tight and waiting .... This is such an amazing time of year I'm so grateful I live in a place where the seasons are so well defined. It is rich in Energetic shifting. But rich also in the story of Creation the movements of life. It helps me understand my own self, in the ways that my body matches this rhythm. In our modern society we have found ways to subvert it to some degree. We don't have to follow the rhythm of darkness in the same way, with electricity. The isolation that happens in Winter if you are in a place where snow makes travel difficult, now our technologies allow us to connect .... There are places I know that rely on the Winter as a point of connection. And many of those communities are challenged by the shifting of the temperature of the Earth because Winter doesn't happen in the same way for them anymore .... .... .... The focus is to the Ancient. The ground is where we find ancient, ancient wisdom held in the Stone, the very substance of the Earth. I know I’ve been talking about this quite a lot over the last few weeks. And I think it's because I can feel this draw to step even more boldly in, to focus more on this work I am called to do. And I feel that. As if a rootedness is drawing ever deeper, and so the focus is under the ground. The focus, in some ways, is to the Ancient. The ground is where we find ancient, ancient wisdom held in the Stone, the very substance of the Earth. And so now is the moment, where our focus, my focus, can be more to that place without the distraction of what is going on above ground. So even as the light begins to turn, we do not immediately shift away from the darkness, from the Earthiness. We have more time. More time to sit and listen to this deep Wisdom. And Solstice reminds us to simply be in this moment. ~
Centred on evocative and deeply healing guided meditations, Kimiko holds On-line Healing Circles Monday mornings at 9 a.m. and Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. pacific. Please join us. Learn more at the Good Vibrations: the Energy of Resilience facebook page, check out the Healing link on this site or drop her a note by e-mail.
Listen ~ 7 minutes The call of a Seagull drew my attention this morning. I live near the ocean so Seagulls are hardly an unusual occurrence. Something that I hardly noticed from moment to moment. So I was curious, what about the call of this Seagull this morning caught my attention? I wonder if it's because I have been in a time of quiet, of internal reflection and the Seagull and the distant sound of the train going by seem more notable within that drawing me back out of myself and into the world. This is not a bad thing. In fact a good reminder that I am in and of the world and not to forget that, not to leave it behind in my internal reflecting .... It's more than being simply drawn into the world though. Seagulls and trains are out in the world in a way that I am not right now. Flying, going from place to place. And in some way this draws my imagination. I felt the Seagull’s call in my belly as much as I heard it. The Seagull was calling me .... deep inside. And I wonder what that’s about. Today the skies are blue and the sun is shining. It’s been so grey here, so much rain. And yet I haven’t been outside further than the front porch where I stood in my bare feet greeting the day. Outside, as I quieted myself I could hear other birds, like the gentle chirping of songbirds even though it's December and Winter is almost upon us. I note that the Hummingbirds are still visiting the hummingbird feeder and so I've kept it filled. People are out on the street walking .... The world continues to be .... And perhaps the Seagull was simply speaking to my desire to not simply be in and with myself .... But to be part of the bigger, to be part of the Whole .... To remember that all this work of wintering of quieting, is important. Ultimately it is something that we do as part of the rhythm, the natural rhythm, that all of us live in to. All of us being the Plants, the Creatures, those Beings that are beyond us. Earth herself lives through these rhythms. And just to remind me that it's all part and parcel, it's all of a whole .... .... And that I can take my stillness with me as I step out into the world .... ~
Centred on evocative and deeply healing guided meditations, Kimiko holds On-line Healing Circles Monday mornings at 9 a.m. and Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. pacific. Please join us. Learn more at the Good Vibrations: the Energy of Resilience facebook page, check out the Healing link on this site or drop her a note by e-mail. The season has been pulling me in. It’s been a lesson and curiosity to me to note my resistance. Not my body but my mind. As much as we talk about the value of being rather than doing, it is contrary to what our culture teaches us. It’s 3 o’clock and I’m thinking, “What have I been doing today? What have I accomplished?” My current morning routine includes staying in the bed for engaged, intentional breath-work and a meditation on “waking words.” It can take up to 45 minutes. When I started this practice it was much shorter because it felt too much like lying around when I should be getting up and getting to things. I suppose in a way the intentionality of it is technically doing something. What’s perhaps different is there is no tangible accomplishment. The cat is not fed, nor coffee made. I have not checked or responded to any messages or planned the day. I’m simply there with my breath. There are days when I won’t have the luxury of that much time in the morning unless I wake up much earlier. For now part of this practice is not setting an alarm if I don’t have to and including at least some time for the practice if I do. And on a day like today simply letting things unfold after that. This is not solely a spiritual practice, although it is that. This is an intentionality practice of shifting my own paradigm, of living into the understanding that our value, my value, is not based on accomplishments. Those things can speak for themselves, but my intrinsic me-ness is more central and internal. This is a lesson of the cherry blossom tree. The tree IS, even now without blossoms or leaves. An embodying practice, daily morning breath-work has also helped me feel calmer and more centred throughout the day. I find myself more able to feel into what my body needs in the moment, what food, what movement. And I find I’m enjoying those things more. It’s quite lovely. Winter, in the rhythm of seasons, is the slow time, a time of quiet tasks and inward focus. Many animals move into hibernation and plants go dormant. So I’m embracing this slower pace and breathing into what it’s like to simply be. ~
Centred on evocative and deeply healing guided meditations, Kimiko holds On-line Healing Circles Monday mornings at 9 a.m. and Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. pacific. Please join us. Learn more at the Good Vibrations: the Energy of Resilience facebook page, check out the Healing link on this site or drop her a note by e-mail. In Africa, I experienced the power of the full Moon in absence of urban light pollution. Enough illumination to reveal pathways while maintaining the mystery and magic of Night. A gentle light that nurtured a sense of enveloped connection to Creation. The Moon embodies the Feminine Divine. Women full-bellied with child are as the full Moon. I think of Mary, weeks before giving birth, belly round and taut, glowing with Love. The Moon is of the Night, apt for life and birth. Each of us was formed and gestated in the gentle dark full-Moon-like warmth of the womb, as are seeds that grow from the nurturing soil of the belly of Mother Earth. These dark cold days as we draw close to the longest night may not seem the fertile season. Yet it is the cycle that precedes all visible manifestations of new life. It was evening before morning. Winter precedes spring. We are nourished in deep and ancient ways in the belly of darkness under the light of the Moon. I invite you to embrace this time. Turn your lights low, sit in the quiet darkness and listen for what is germinating deep within. ~
Centred on evocative and deeply healing guided meditations, Kimiko holds On-line Healing Circles Monday mornings at 9 a.m. and Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. pacific. Please join us. Learn more at the Good Vibrations: the Energy of Resilience facebook page, check out the Healing link on this site or drop her a note by e-mail. |
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