Listen to blog I feel as if something has shifted within me It's like a seed that had been hibernating Deep but present Has started to break open and reach reach through the soil of my being Towards the open air towards the sunshine .... I'm not clear yet what will unfurl when those tight buds open .... But I hold in anticipation .... I can feel that longing for light Sun and warmth for The breeze blowing around me For the possibility That comes even beyond the sprouting At some level I’m aware that Leaves will emerge, that blossoms will emerge And from those blossoms Will come fruits or new seeds .... Passing through Hallelujah Passing through poetry Opening to bird song And then whatever is beyond that Even if it is simply to feel the petals fall To be held In the soil of the on-goingness .... ~
Centred on evocative and deeply healing guided meditations, Kimiko holds Virtual Healing Circles Monday mornings at 9 a.m. and Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. pacific. Please join us. Learn more at the Good Vibrations: the Energy of Resilience facebook page, check out the Healing link on this site or drop her a note by e-mail.
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